Thursday, March 19, 2009

malnutrition and starvation...

the signs of malnutrition and starvation of the brain...

1.Vitamin D deficiency harms brain function: Low levels of vitamin D increase the risk of mental impairment in the elderly.

2.Vitamin B6 helps in the production of neurotransmitters, the chemicals that allow brain and nerve cells to communicate with one another.

3.Vitamin D has profound effects on the brain, including the neurotransmitters involved in depression and seasonal affective disorder.

4.Vitamin B1 (thiamine): The brain uses this vitamin to help convert glucose, or blood sugar, into fuel, and without it the brain rapidly runs out of energy.

5.A high concentration of vitamin C in neurons of the developing brain may help protect the developing brain from free radical damage

6.Inadequate intake of any B vitamin, including vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 and folic acid, literally starves the brain for energy and leads to confusion, irritability, and impaired thinking, concentration, memory, reaction time and mental clarity.

7.If vitamin levels are low, whatever brain development it is linked to will be skewed. Startling trend.

theres cure for it..take this...